Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your Board Secretaries with our dedicated Board Secretary Training program. Designed to provide thorough, hands-on training, this program ensures that your Board Secretaries are well-versed in using the Board Connect system and fully prepared for their roles.


  • Cost: $3,000 AUD
  • Duration: Three training sessions, each lasting between 1 to 1.5 hours.

What’s Included:

  • Comprehensive training over three sessions to familiarize Board Secretaries with the Board Connect system.
  • Practical guidance on preparing for and managing board meetings.
  • Real-time support and answers to any queries that arise during the initial use of the system.
  • Strategies to streamline meeting preparations, manage documentation, and ensure smooth operation.

Invest in our Board Secretary Training program to ensure your Board Secretaries are confident, proficient, and ready to contribute to successful board meetings.