Adding Board Connect to an existing Teams in your organisation

This guide steps through how to add Board Connect to an existing team if you already have the Board Connect app installed in your organisation’s tenant.

1. In your Microsoft Teams application, navigate to your Teams tab on the left hand side


2. Select Browse to the Teams Team that you would like to add Board Connect to & select the General channel within that team (or the equivalent, where it is your primary/general communications channel in the team)

3. In the General (or your chosen channel) channel’s pane on the right, click on the symbol at the end of the tabs field



4. You will be presented with a pane to search/select an app to add to your Team.

Since you already have Board Connect added to your organisation, you should be able to see the Board Connect App icon just below the search bar.
If it is not visible you can type “Board Connect” in the search bar to narrow down the options

If you are still unable to see the Board Connect app as an option here, please refer to the instructions to add Board Connect to your organisation’s tenant.


5. You will be presented with a new window which will ask you to grant admin consent to add the Board Connect app to your Teams channel.
Click on the button Yes, grant admin consent and install

6. Select the account with which you want to use to install the app (please note, as the step implies, this account will need administrator privileges to perform the installation)
7. You will see another window asking you review all the actions that the app is requesting permissions to perform. You can click on the downwards arrow next to each permission to reveal a short sentence that will explain the requested permission.


Once you have reviewed all of these permissions, agree to the Terms of Service, Privacy Statement, click on the Accept button at the bottom.
If you choose to not proceed, please click Cancel to exit without installing.


8. Once permissions has been granted, you will have the option to post to the channel about this tab via the checkbox on the bottom left. If this box is checked when you click save, it will automatically create a post in the channel for all members of the channel to see, notifying them of the addition of the Board Connect app, and a button which will take them to the newly created tab. Deselect this checkbox if you do not wish for this to occur.

You can click Save down the bottom right of the Setup window.


9. In the next window, you will be asked to add the initial settings for your Board Connect.
This will include adding a primary board administrator.
The person assigned to this role will have full control over the Board Connect app, settings, meetings, documents, drafts channel, etc.

You will also be asked to add Board Members. The people assigned to this role will need to be users already in your tenant, or have guest access to your tenant. If your intended board member cannot be found via this method, then you will likely need to add them as a guest in your tenant first, and add them to the board later via the Settings > Permissions control panel

 You can also add a short description for the board if you wish.

Clicking Save will finalise your installation and add a Board Connect tab to you select channel.

You will see that the Team Administrator as well as any Board Members that you had assigned in the previous step will be show as below.

In future, you can return to the Board Connect app in that Teams via the selected channel > Board Connect tab

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