Data stored in Board Connect

Board Connect has been reviewed and approved for use in many Enterprise organisations with little fuss or effort towards approval for a few key reasons, our approach to GDPR and data sovereignty is a simple one, leverage the best of breed security offering via Microsoft.

It sounds simple, but what we mean by this is that Board Connect doesn’t actually store any of your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or Company Identifiable Information (CII) on any of our data storages.

So where is the data stored then?

Data entered into Board Connect is secured across your Microsoft 365 eco-system, below we’ve outlined the different Microsoft 365 applications we’ve used, and why.

Here is a list of all the Microsoft 365 applications we use to orchestrate running better meetings:

Data we store in SharePoint:

SharePoint is the integral application used to store and secure your data. All data that resides in your Board Connect resides into the SharePoint Online site collection relating to the Microsoft Team you have added Board Connect to.

·       Agenda information: Agenda title, description, time allocation, speaker

·       Documents: all documents that are uploaded are stored within a folder connected to the Meeting title.

·       Decisions: all decisions created are stored within a SharePoint list. Additionally, when a user responds to a decision requested of them, this data is also stored within the decisions list.

Data we store in OneDrive:

·       Private copies: When a user elects to create a private copy of a file so they can privately annotate on the document, add comments or share with a colleague for discussion, this document is copied to the initiating users OneDrive.

Note: for this action to be undertaken the initiating user must have a Microsoft 365 license that licenses them to use OneDrive. If the user does not have OneDrive local to the home tenant, the user will not be able to create a private copy.

Data we store in Tasks:

       Task information: All tasks that are created from your meetings are created within Microsoft Tasks

       Data we store in OneNote: Board Administrators can elect to use OneNote to capture meeting minutes, or leverage the proprietary meeting minute capture/builder we’ve created. Should your Board Administrator opt to use OneNote to capture meeting minutes a OneNote called “Meeting Minutes” is created. Subsequently, all meetings, and agendas are created in Pages & Sections format. 

Explore our Knowledge Base

Draft Meetings

This guide walks you through Draft Meetings The Draft meeting feature allows you to create a draft version of a meeting,

Adding a new meeting

This guide steps through how to add a new meeting to your Board Connect. 1. Logged in to Board Connect