Managing Meeting Attendance

Typically, at the end of
the meeting the Board Secretary will select whether the user has attended the
meeting. This data is recorded and can be reported on accordingly.

 To mark attendance of your


Pre-requisites:  To mark the attendance of the meeting, the logged on user must be selected as the Meeting Owner, or a Board Administrator

1. Browse to the meeting you would like to track the attendance of.
2. Click Mark Attendance within the Attendance component

3.   The Mark attendance dialog will appear, for each user select whether the user attended via teleconference, in person, or the user did not attend at all.

User attended via teleconference

User attended in person

User did not attend



Explore our Knowledge Base

Draft Meetings

This guide walks you through Draft Meetings The Draft meeting feature allows you to create a draft version of a meeting,

Adding a new meeting

This guide steps through how to add a new meeting to your Board Connect. 1. Logged in to Board Connect